About Us


About Flax Lignan Health

Flax Lignan Health is an online health supplement supplier that has passion and purpose for helping people build healthy and strong immune systems. We are passionate about finding the best immune system building products that are all natural. We also donate a large portion of our profits to organizations who work with and supply food and immune supporting supplements to orphans in 3rd world countries.

About Flax and Our Company

Flax seed is considered G.R.A.S. (Generally Regarded As Safe). It has been in the human food system for thousands of years. Before 5000 BC, Egyptians treated illnesses with flax seed. Hippocrates used flax seed for abdominal discomfort. During the eighth century, King Charlemagne passed laws requiring his subjects to consume flax seed to ensure their good health. In more recent times, science has been able to look at the intricacies of the flax seed and see why it’s so good for us.

Many people consume flax for it’s oil (ALA, which is an Omega 3 that converts in the human gut into DHA and EPA) which is polyunsaturated. Mammals cannot synthesize Omega 3 fatty acids, but have a limited ability to form the “long-chain” n−3 fatty acids EPA (20-carbon atoms) and DHA (22-carbon atoms) from the “short-chain” eighteen-carbon n−3 fatty acid ALA. So if you are going to ingest Omega 3’s, ALA is the one to choose. Flax has another important health benefit, the lignans. Lignans come from the shell (or the “hull”) of the flax seed. They have super anti-oxidant powers and really give amazing support to the immune system of humans and animals. (See this study about how farmers can improve the health of their cows with Flax Hull Lignans! And here’s a study about how Flax Hull Lignans effect Prostate Hyperplasia.

Getting Enough Lignans to Support Your Immune System

If you go to the store and buy flax seed without the hulls, you will not get lignans. You must buy the flax seeds still in the shell and grind them. The problem with grinding your own flax to get lignans is the amount you will get. By grinding your own flax, you only get a trace of the lignans in your system. You would need to consume at least several cups of ground flax to get immune boosting effects. That is too much!

We are so excited about flax hull lignans. Using a heavily guarded proprietary cold process called the “MCP Process”, we extract the lignans and concentrate them. A teaspoon of our flax hull lignans is equivalent to several gallons of whole ground flax seed. This is the absolute best way to extract lignans, as it leaves the enzymes intact (qualifying them as live food). There are no chemicals used so no worrisome residues! Also, chemically extracted lignan companies focus on one specific lignan called SDG. That lignan is powerful but scientists at the University of North Dakota are reporting that it is the working together of all 17 lignans in the flax seed that gives such a powerful immune boosting effect. Our lignans have all 17!

Flax Hull Lignans Support and Boost the Immune System

Research has shown that Flax Hull Lignans are highly beneficial to the human body. Flax Lignans help boost your immune system and help you tackle many types of health challenges. We wish we could list everything that they do for you, but legally we are limited as to what claims we can make about the health benefits of flax lignans. The research is out there if you will look. We like to point people to the non-profit website AIDS Research & Assistance, where they are researching the effects of flax hull lignans on the immunity of people suffering from HIV.

In the U.S., scientists have known for well over 30 years that the lignans found in flax seed have immune boosting properties. The problem in the past has been how to concentrate them enough to do anyone good. The problem with concentration came with the flax turning rancid whenever concentration was attempted. The heat in the extraction process activated the oils in the flax and turned it rancid. Some companies learned to extract the lignans from the shell of the flax seed chemically. This unfortunately isn’t a great way to extract them as it kills the enzymes and there is concern about chemical residues from the extraction process left over in the lignans themselves. Our company has a specially guarded process of cold milling extraction and 1 teaspoon of flax hull lignans is equivalent to 2 gallons of ground whole flax seed in lignans!

To all of you, from all of us at FlaxLignanHealth.com- Thank you and here’s to our health!

Flax Lignan Health, PO Box 179., Mansfield, TX 76063 Customer Service: 817-710-6918


To read about our #1 selling product, Flax Hull Lignans, CLICK HERE.

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