
We have been in business for almost 20 years. We are grateful to our customers for writing in and letting us know how our products work for them! If you have a testimony, please let us know at INFO@FlaxLignanHealth.com. Also, we appreciate any reviews you can leave us on Google.

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Google Reviews can be seen by CLICKING HERE.

I use DREAMZ sleep aid for nights when I struggle for sleep. It is a wonderful alternative to one of those over the counter "pm" medicines.

Treshia Kuiper Avatar Treshia Kuiper
April 18, 2022

Being a long-time customer of Flax Lignan Health, I can vouch for the integrity of their products and customer service. They carry top-notch products that are usually not found anywhere else, and often offer great discounts and coupons for their more popular supplements. Their desire is for everyone to have improved health and well-being. I also appreciate the fact that they donate a portion of their profits to assist orphans in 3rd world countries. Solid supplement company!!

mrthdmn 57 Avatar mrthdmn 57
April 25, 2022

Flax Hull Lignans is a product that I absolutely will not be without! It is the single most powerful weapon in my immunity arsenal. I cannot recommend it highly enough and have done so to many family members and friends because I feel it is that important. It is also very important to distinguish which flax product in the marketplace to obtain. I will only purchase flax from this website because they are the only source where flax is manufactured in such a way to preserve the vital nutrients that provide those immune boosters. Additionally the folks who work at the site are incredibly kind and helpful and truly only want to better our lives and the lives of those less fortunate. Do not hesitate to add this product to your regimen.

Beth Zwisohn Avatar Beth Zwisohn
April 25, 2022

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