Our 30 day money-back guarantee is for unopened product only. If you purchase the “Buy 2 Get 1 Free” package, and you need to return it, you must return 2 of the unopened jars to get the refund. Please make sure the product seal has not been broken, and it’s in like-new condition. Pack product in original or comparable packing and email us (info@flaxlignanhealth.com) for a Return Authorization number. Once you receive your Return Authorization number by email, you’ll also have instructions included on return address on where to ship the product. Once we receive the undamaged, new and unopened product, we will refund the full price of the product, minus shipping charges from us to you. It will be your responsibility to pay for return shipping to us as well. Sorry but no refunds can be given for any product that has been opened or the seal broken on the container, or if over 30 days has passed from the original purchase date. If you have questions, call 817-710-6918 to speak with Customer Service.
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